14 – The end ?

Well, working on those 15 posts really was an adventure…
Yes, the post numbers started at 0, leave me alone

I’ve tried to explain how my instrument, the Melocussion, worked

I’ve shown the great things I tried to do with it

I will be happy to shared those great time with you
If you join the 2022 Orchestra lab

I have shared my ideas on the new workshop that will start very soon (next Tuesday) Join us here !

Guess on what tool I’ve made those illustrations 😛
I’m still practising with my Yo-yo by the way

I’ve tried to explain some computer stuff from the future but in the present

I can’t stop laughing by this total failure, nothing is right in this picture
he did what he could ok ?!

And of course !
you can tell that I’m very proud

The designs ! I won’t forget about that


Was it all worth it?


I am done creating stuff?


You now that I will be part of a new workshop right ?

I am done posting about them?


This blog is a great way for me to share my projects
and to remember them
So I’ll keep this blog alive I guess…



Well see you in the next post I guess

By Tom Mansion

Really into creating stuff. Check my website for more info on the projects I have worked on

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