Yeah new design again, yeah, what ?! You don’t like that ?!
Guess what ? It doesn’t matter because it’s the only thing I’ll be doing from now.
I indeed really enjoyed being into 3d modelling lately, trying new design ideas has really challenged my creativity and my instrument concept.
So Hell yeah, let’s do it, it’s time for
The obsidian mood board :

And the obsidian mood board design :

Are you scared ? Well you should be
It’s messy, edgy, it has layers, it’s dark and I like it, so is the goal reached? Not at 100%
Is is still a prototype of… a prototype because I want didn’t reach the aesthetic that I was looking for while creating the mood board.
Is it cool tho ? You tell..
I find it a little big, but it’s like a little industrial war machine.
I’m definitely getting arrested by the police is they find me with that in my hands… So it’s perfect
Component arrangements

I’ve made a big deal about the component’s layout this time.
The keyboard is accessible, the drum pads too, the computer and the battery are here but well hidden, the speaker is not too close to the head… There is a lot to think about, that is what make designing and engineering so incredibly fun.
It is as close to perfect that I think this layout will stay the same (except for the weird midi keyboard) for the next designs.
Yes, the future designs, haven’t you heard… or read whatever I have written !? I’m done making other things than designing stuff now.
ToMansion Melocussion is now becoming ToMansion conception
or something like that
This design is clean too. Do you think adding color?
In the mood-board, we can see pictures of edges with red lines on it. I really like them, but after trying to add them, the rendering wasn’t what I wanted.
So maybe later! Colours aren’t my strength