11 – Free style design

The last shown design was very stylish and modern but had flows like being poorly customisable and was enable to stand up.

Melocussion Portal design detailed in the last post

This first design this is just the beginning of the thinking process and more ideas need to be explored.

This is why I present you the Freestyle Melocussion design !

The Freestyle design

What is even that ?

As you can see, except from the melodica, It doesn’t have much in common with the last design. You may tell me that the battery and the speaker required to make the Melocussion work aren’t on the instrument and you will be right, but that the point on this design.
Let me explain

I explain

Have you noticed the many yellow points ? Those are inserts that will be used as attach points for the instrument components.

Shiny inserts placed in a 3D print

They indeed will all be placed in the same pattern to make the fixation of any components of any shape possible!


This is why the modules (the battery, the speaker, the midi keyboard, …) aren’t present on the design, it’s because they can be every where !

Possible combination of module placements
place them the way you want and change it latter if you want !

This way, any modules can be added, moved or removed, anything can be fixed where you like it the most !


Beeb Boop … Maggots

I tried something different for the keyboard that will lay bellow the musician fingers. The main buttons are off-setted in a beehive shape, I don’t know if it will help the musician or not, this change will require some real world testing.

How do you feel about this design ? Do you prefer it as much as the Portal one ?

I really like the industrial, chunky blocky look, it remind me of something evil in Star wars or Doctor Who somehow… The keyboard also look like some science fiction dark space ship device.
But the high customisation possibilities are very important to me.

By Tom Mansion

Really into creating stuff. Check my website for more info on the projects I have worked on

One comment

  1. It could be fun to get parts you can add and remove from different models. To personalize the instrument!

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