10 – New design

Portal mood board that I have detailed in the last post

With the following mood board, I have 3D modelled what could be the first version of the Melocussion !

Behold :


I’m quite happy with this design, it was very fun to 3D model.
We can find the required components such as the battery, the speaker and the control interface bellow the fingers and of course the melodica.

With this early conception, I wanted to explore this white very pleasing curved thing that surround the hand. So I had only the aesthetic in mind.

Weak points

And we can clearly see why this concept isn’t ready and need more refinements. Indeed, the instrument can’t stand up! Either up and even properly on this side! This feature is very important, without it, we can’t drop the Melocussion anywhere without damaging it.

Also, you have maybe noticed that the midi keyboard is missing in the 3D model, this is because I want to make the instrument modular and make the user able to add, remove or customize elements. Or as you can see, there is no space to place anything more!


To conclude, this model was fun to think and to 3D model, but it has flaws, so I will have to work more on it which I don’t mind doing.

In the next post, I will come back with another 3D model but with the obsidian mood board, I hope you’re exited, because oh boy am I

By Tom Mansion

Really into creating stuff. Check my website for more info on the projects I have worked on


    1. And I didn’t expected a reaction as nice as this one ! Thank you !
      The software used to model this maybe my most loved 3d modelling software ever :
      Gravity Sketch ! : https://www.gravitysketch.com/
      – Very well done and easy to use
      – Free to use
      – Free cloud
      – Multiplayer
      – In VR !!!
      So if you can try it, do not hesitate one second !

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