To Summarise :
I’m working on a new music concept : playing music with no music instruments, by moving me chubby body.
If you don’t get it, just read my previous post >:)
What do I want to achieve :
Making a large variety of numerical sound just by moving.
I want to play brief sounds, continuous shifting sounds, very high pitch, low pitch, basses, percussions and so on.
But how ?
By magic powers I mean that the movements will be processed by a camera. The software will track coloured thing (red, blue, yellow, …) and play sound according to their speed / position / size, if the are touching, if they are not, if they are visible and so on.

As you can see, by tracking a coloured ball with a camera, we can get their x and y coordinates, their x and y velocity or their global velocity. And by getting the derivatives of the speed (the acceleration) we can detect variation of direction, witch can be useful.
Possible ideas
With this concept, everything is possible. Here is short list of ideas that came to my mind
Just tracking movement
A very simple idea yet effective is to play sound based on the position of a coloured ball. Per example, the higher the ball is, the higher the volume of the sound is, and when the ball is on the left, the sound is very low and so on.
So imagine what two people playing with a ball would sound like !

And what about juggling and playing with a yo-yo ?!

Anything can be tracked !
And why not ask a friend to join ? Playing with balls in front of a camera is better together !
Playing air drums
I’m very excited about this one, just imagine moving around while swinging your arms to play air drums !

The sound played by the software could depend on the position of the balls on the screen or on the position of the player !
And why not…

As you can see, only imagination is the limit !
I can’t wait to test those when the software will be ready.
And you ? Is there something that came to your mind ?
What would you put in front of the camera to play music ?
It could be impressive to make it with gymnastics ribbon! To create a song from a dance.
A ribbon, why not !
I’m curious on you would have made music with it
Do you need to detect the end or the start of it and how to do it?
So many questions…