04 – A new beginning

The 2021 environmental music workshop

As I have told you in the last post, I have been part of the
Make your own music instrument‘ workshop, at the ENS, where I could work on my Melocussion, work on my music skills and play on a stage with a band ! Multiple times!

Guitards et canopés – ENS – 11/2020 – Cold but good times

Now the workshop is over, but good for me, and maybe good for you, it is starting again in 2022! And you are all welcome!

The new 2022 environmental music workshop

The ‘Make your own music instrument‘ is starting again in February 2022 and yes ! Everybody can join.

The goal of this workshop is to make an orchestra with unusual instruments. The more we are, the more crazier it gets !

I can’t resist explaining what I have in mind for the workshop,
so here we go.

My idea for the workshop

The plan for me is to play by moving a lot. The Melocussion is great, I can move around quite well with it, but it is not making me move enough. I want to be very mobile!

So the main idea is to do some air drums! The exact same thing as this:

Playing drums with the Aerodrums : https://aerodrums.com/home/

However, this solution, more than being quite expensive (~200€), doesn’t allow you to move very freely, you need to stay on a chair, and I want to move around while swinging the hell out of my sticks.

Good for me, the image processing module at my school as made me learn how to create my own solution! And this made think of an idea with great potential.

A limitless idea

With a camera, I can track anything, and make sounds from the movements, speed, rotation, anything I want. So I can make music from with per example:

  • Some juggling balls
  • A basket ball
  • A yoyo because why not
  • Some… boxing gloves !

Imaging me boxing a ghost on the stage while playing drum sounds!

I will give mode details in the next posts !

Just ugly me with my ball tracking software

Well it’s your turn now

What would you do to make sound according to what you like ?
You can song with materials, motors, with light or a joystick !

Tell me in the comments
only imagination is the limit


And if you are interested in joining the workshop, do not hesitate to contact me !

By Tom Mansion

Really into creating stuff. Check my website for more info on the projects I have worked on


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